Just to let the reader know the current situation: I joined an insurance company in the mid of 2014 and resigned in early Sept 2017 without a job. Later, I came back to the industry in early Dec 2017. This is inspired from some friends who have been asking me how do I make decision to just submit my resignation without having a job to fall back to? Was it just spur of the moment? How do I have the courage to do so? What about my financial commitment? Was I not afraid to be unemployed? Well, it’s actually not that simple and it was not an impromptu decision. I might not have a clear plan, but I had a plan. If you read my past entry, this dormant period of of not working is not the first time. I have experienced it when I quit my job as a medical doctor at a government hospital. Will this become a trend for me? I’m not sure. But for some people (read: me) , 2 weeks of leave might not be enough. They just need that long break. So far 3 months break works for me, but honestly I do...
Past, present and and future. More on slide sidebar --->>