Nature can give 2 different meanings; one is what’s inside us and another meaning is about the ‘nature’ around or outside us. Interesting isn’t it? The book is about Energy Profiling, which is based on 4 elements of chemistry and 4 elements of nature. Energy, as we learned, is always moving. Assessment thru Energy Profiling is based on how we express our movement with this energy.
The following are the 4 energy types in Energy Profiling:
Nitrogen / Air - Type 1
Oxygen / Water - Type 2
Hydrogen / Fire - Type 3
Carbon / Earth - Type 4
We often heard of how the 4 outside nature elements were used as energy sources. What about the chemical elements that have to do with our nature? Do you know that our (human) DNA is 99.9% the same? All of these chemical elements are the basic elements that made up the DNA, hence we are going to see ourselves in each type. But the variation in that 0.1% that determines our differences. This small difference made us all unique.
This difference made the author believe that there is one energy type that we will naturally express in our innate movement and vibration, when we are not conscious of it. This is our dominant energy type, our core true self. The author elaborates each energy type from its movement and vibration, and how these are expressed in our personality & behavior tendency, thought & feeling process, gift & talent, strength & weakness, body language as well as our physical features.
When we understand our true self and live consciously aligned with our dominant type, we will be more accepting of who we are and find a balanced life. We will also find a new way how we approach our life as well as expand our awareness of understanding others.
A recommended read, for affirmation of yourself. Read with an open mind and follow your heart. When you reach your type, believe me, your heart will keep saying "This is me. This is me….this is sooooo me!"